Here is a list of the identified ATL mutation operators useful for mutation testing:
Matched rule addition
deep clone one MatchedRule with {name = random-string(4, 6)}
Matched rule deletion
remove one MatchedRule
Matched rule name change
modify one MatchedRule with {name = random-string(4, 6)}
In pattern addition
cl = select one EClass from input resources
p = select one InPattern
mod = select one OclModel in p->elements->type->model
ipe = create SimpleInPatternElement in p->elements
with {varName = random-string(2, 4)}
elem = create OclModelElement in ipe->type with
{name =, variableDeclaration = ipe}
modify mod with {elements += elem}
In pattern element deletion
remove one InPatternElement
In pattern element class change
sipe = select one SimpleInPatternElement
type = select one OclModelElement in sipe->type
cl = select one EClass from input resources where {name <>}
modify type with {name =}
NIn pattern element name change
modify one InPatternElement with {varName = random-string(4, 6)}
Filter addition
p = select one InPattern where {filter is typed OperatorCallExp}
opce = select one OperatorCallExp in p->filter
feat = select one OclFeature
sipe = select one SimpleInPatternElement in p->elements
conj = create OperatorCallExp in p->filter with {operationName = "and"}
call = create OperationCallExp in conj->^source
with {operationName =}
exp = create VariableExp in call->^source
modify sipe with {variableExp += exp}
modify conj with {arguments += opce}
modify p with {filter += conj}
Filter deletion
remove one OclExpression where {container is typed InPattern}
Filter condition change
p = select all InPattern where {filter <> null}
opce = select one OperationCallExp in p->filter
where {operationName <> ['not', 'and', 'or']}
feat = select one OclFeature where {name <> opce.operationName}
modify opce with {operationName =}
Out pattern element addition
cl = select one EClass from output resources
p = select one OutPattern
mod = select one OclModel in p->elements->type->model
ope = create SimpleOutPatternElement in p->elements
with {varName = random-string(2, 4)}
elem = create OclModelElement in ope->type
with {name =, variableDeclaration = ope}
modify mod with {elements += elem}
Out pattern element deletion
remove one OutPatternElement
Out pattern element class change
p = select one OutPattern
type = select one OclModelElement in p->elements->type
cl = select one EClass from output resources
where {name <>}
modify type with {name =}
Out pattern element name change
modify one OutPatternElement with {varName = random-string(4, 6)}
Binding addition
sope = select one SimpleOutPatternElement
type = select one OclModelElement in sope->type
cl = select one EClass from output resources
where {name =}
att = select one EAttribute in cl->eAllAttributes
b = create Binding in sope->bindings
with {isAssignment = false, propertyName =}
create StringExp in b->value
with {stringSymbol = random-string(4, 6)}
Binding deletion
remove one Binding
Binding value change
b = select one Binding
where {value is typed OperatorCallExp}
create StringExp in b->value
with {stringSymbol = random-string(4, 6)}
Binding feature change
sope = select one SimpleOutPatternElement
type = select one OclModelElement in sope->type
cl = select one EClass from output resources where {name =}
b = select one Binding in sope->bindings
att = select one EAttribute in cl->eAllAttributes
where {name <> b.propertyName}
modify b with {propertyName =}
This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (RTI2018-095255-B-I00, project "MASSIVE") and the R&D programme of Madrid (P2018/TCS-4314, project "FORTE").