./Wodel-Test for Java

A mutation testing tool for Java generated via Wodel-Test

The generated MuT tool for Java with jUnit4 in action:

Wodel-Test for Java with jUnit4 MuT tool in action

The generated MuT tool for Java with jUnit5 in action:

Wodel-Test for Java with jUnit5 MuT tool in action

Wodel-Test for Java with jUnit3

We tested the Wodel-Test for Java MuT tool with several Java projects and noticed that for some of them that include bad design issues both in the system under test and in the test suite provided, some of the generated mutants can enter into endless loops. To overcome such inconvenience, we have included timeout limits in the test suite execution. You can check this using the Wodel-Test for Java MuT tool with this reduced version of an old release of the org.apache.commons.cli Java project. This buggy Java project is included in a common framework used to validate MuT tools for Java known as the defects4j project.

Cli11f System Under Test
Cli11f Test suite

