Wodel applied to probabilistic automata. [Prob. Automata Ecore]

Changes the initial state [cis]:

    s0 = modify one State where {isInitial = true} with {isInitial = false}
    s1 = modify one State where {self <> s0} with {isInitial = true}

Alters transition probabilities [alp]:

     t0 = select one Transition where {probability = min(probability)}
     t1 = select one Transition where {self <> t0 and src = t0->src}
     modify t1 with {probability += random(0.0, t0.probability)}
     t2 = select one Transition where {self <> t0 and self <> t1 and src = t0->src}
     modify t2 with {probability -= t1.probability}

Changes the target state of a transition [cts]:

     modify target tar from one Transition to other State

Creates a new transition [cnt]:

     t0 = select one Transition where {probability = min(probability)}
     t1 = select one Transition where {self <> t0 and src = t0->src}
     t2 = create Transition with {probability = random(0.0, t0.probability), src = t0->src}
     modify t1 with {probability -= t2.probability}

Here you can download all these examples of Wodel applied to probabilistic automata.
Prob. Automata samples .zip
Prob. Automata samples .tar.gz


This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (RTI2018-095255-B-I00, project "MASSIVE") and the R&D programme of Madrid (P2018/TCS-4314, project "FORTE").